News / Posted on: March 7th 2018
1 CategoryEventsBritish Science Week 12th-16th March 2018
Monday 12th March - Friday 16th March 2018 British Science Week
Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of British Science Week a number of students will be participating in numerous STEM activities. As such we would like to encourage students to bring in modelling equipment. Here is the list of what each year group should bring:
Year 7
- 250ml plastic drinks bottles
- Small plastic and polstyrene food trays
- Straws
- String
- Packaging with air pockets
- Cartons
- Corks
- Yoghurt cartons
- Bubble wrap
Year 8
- 2L bottles
Year 9
- Wooden skewers
- String
- Plastic water/fizzy drinks bottles (different sizes)
- Plastic cups
- milk bottles with handles
- yogurt pots
- cotton reels
Year 10
- Newspaper
- Plastic Nets (that hold fruit)
- Rulers
- Paper cups
- Boxes
- String/Thread
- Cardboard tubes
All these activities can contribute towards the Crest awards and 'stop the spread' can be entered into the Youth Grand Challenges.