- Click here for Ofsted Website - Cove School Reports
- Cove School Ofsted Inspection Report - 14/15th January 2020
- Cove School Ofsted Inspection Letter - Friday 31st January 2020
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
The grading scale used for inspection judgements is based on a four-point grading scale:
- Grade 1: outstanding
- Grade 2: good
- Grade 3: requires improvement
- Grade 4: inadequate.
Inspectors will make these judgements on the following areas:
Effectiveness of leadership and management
- Demonstrated ambitious vision, high expectations for all.
- Improving staff practice, teaching and assessment.
- Providing a curriculum with suitable depth, depth and relevance.
- Promote equality, diversity and British Values whilst ensure safeguarding arrangements in place to protect all children.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
- Staff have consistently high expectations for all children.
- Teachers have secure understanding of subject.
- Assess student knowledge and skills to use this to inform planning and support children falling behind.
- Engage parents to support child’s learning.
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
- Students take pride in their achievement.
- Students are self-confident, self-aware and understand how to be a successful learner.
- Act on impartial careers advice and are well prepared for the next stage in their education and wider British life.
- Student have prompt and regular attendance.
- Students follow behaviour guidance and are able to manage their own behaviour and keep themselves safe online and off line.
Outcomes for children and learners.
- All students progress well from their different starting points.
- Attain relevant qualification so they can progress to the next stage of their education.
Ofsted Data Dashboard:
Ofsted provides information on the achievement and progress of students at the end of Key Stage 4 (Year 11). The measures include:
- Percentage of students reaching the expected level in key subjects (English, mathematics)
- Percentage of students attaining GCSE grades A* to C in key subjects (English, mathematics, science)
- Percentage of students making expected progress in English and mathematics
- Overall attendance at the school (percentage)
- Closing the gap measures (these measures look at the attainment and expected
For more information about Cove School's Ofsted Data Click here.
The ranks are split into five sub-groups, each group representing approximately 20% of the ranks in the whole group. For the example, the schools with 100% would be in the highest quintile, 97% in the second, 95% in the third, 94% in the fourth and 90% in the lowest.
The quintiles for both ‘all schools' and ‘similar schools’ are labelled as follows:
- Highest
- 2nd quintile
- 3rd quintile
- 4th quintile
- Lowest
In order to provide a simple means of visualising school performance, a colour code is provided with green indicating that the school is in the top quintile (highest 20%) and red indicating that the school is in the bottom quintile (lowest 20%).
Parent View:
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about Cove School, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.
Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about when to inspect.
By sharing your views, you’ll be helping Cove School to improve. At Cove we ask for your views through paper based surveys at Parents’ Evening and other events throughout the year.
Parent View Results - Cove School