
Emergency School Closure

Information for Parents/Carers in the case of extreme weather

The school will remain open unless we are forced to close because there is a risk to the health and safety of staff and students, or we are unable to safely staff the school.

Parents will be notified on the school website, by Groupcall and on the VLE.

Hantsweb -

School VLE - (Login details required, firstname.surname + password)

We will endeavour to keep the school open where possible, as long as the site is safe and staff can travel from home.  There is no need to contact the school to check whether the school is open. While we understand parental concerns, it would be helpful if parents/carers did not telephone the school at these times unless there is an emergency.

Should the weather turn worse during a school day, students will be sent home early, only after parents have been informed and given permission. We will put a notice on the school website with the latest information. 

No student will be allowed to leave school early without permission from their parent/carer. If we believe that any student is at risk of being unable to travel home safely, we will contact their parent/carer and ask for them to be picked up.

Should any parent/carer wish to make any alternative arrangements for their child they should put these in writing to the Headteacher.

Key Safety Points

  • Please make sure your child has sensible shoes or boots and warm clothing before coming to school.
  • Please make sure they understand that roads and pathways are slippery and cars may not stop quickly.
  • We would ask parents not to drive onto the school site.
  • Please remind your child that it is essential they keep to the pathways and behave appropriately whilst at school, but also when travelling to and from school.