

Setting Homework 

All homework is set on Satchel One by teachers at Cove School. Students are provided with a school login to access their profile. Please contact the school reception team or email if you have any issues regarding access to Satchel One. 

Teachers and students find Satchel One useful in managing their working week. As well as making the frequency of homework setting crystal clear, Satchel One also allows teachers to give more detailed instructions. Helpful resources (eg. lesson PowerPoints, video clips) can be uploaded to all students’ Satchel One profile by their teachers to support their completion of homework tasks.  

Homework Timetable

Each year group have their own bespoke homework timetable, which sets out when the student should complete each task throughout the week. 

Homework frequency


Homework set once a week  

Homework set once every two weeks 










Rotation (Tech, Food, Fieldcraft) 



KS4: All subjects will set homework once a week.  

Homework tasks

Students will complete a variety of tasks that are designed to engage, inspire and deepen their understanding in all of their subjects. Teachers will provide detailed instructions and helpful resources with every piece of homework. Students will be expected to complete their homework to a high standard and all homework will be marked by the teacher and ways to improve provided.  


At KS3, dedicated reading sessions have been assigned on the homework timetable. All students should read as often as they can to improve their literacy, develop their imagination and learn more about life. Students can make use of the school library which has a huge variety of books.  

At KS4, we still encourage students to read as much as they can. Due to the amount of revision that is expected for success at GCSE we have omitted a dedicated reading session on the homework timetable. Though students can still make use of the library services at school and read for pleasure.  


Teachers will use the school rewards policy to acknowledge student dedication to their homework. Curriculum areas will also run House competitions throughout the school year to provide students another opportunity for success via their homework.  


If a student does not meet a homework deadline, the teacher will contact the parents and set the student a detention. Detentions increase in severity depending on the number of times homework has been missed. If parents feel there might be any barrier to a student completing a piece of homework, they should make contact with the subject teacher either via email or phone before the deadline.  

For any further enquiries regarding the homework policy at Cove School, contact the Assistant Headteacher Mr. J. Gee at